Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is the best advice have you eva had?

When in trouble

when in doubt

run in circles

scream and shoutWhat is the best advice have you eva had?
If you have something to say, speak up.

Say hi and smile to everyone, because it might just be the thing that makes their day.

It's okay to put yourself first sometimes.

If you need to cry, don't try to hold it back.

If you love someone and they make you happy, other people's opinions shouldn't matter.

You never know when your last day will be, so live your life they way you know you should and don't have any regrets.

Never regret something that once made you smile.

Wait for the right guy to make your first time really special.

Don't do something bad just because everyone else is doing it.

all of this advice came from my best friend =)What is the best advice have you eva had?
Dont cry when the sun is gone because the tears wont let you see the stars.

It means that when everything good seems to be gone dont let it get you down otherwise the other good things will pass you by. From there it could also mean that the bad times dont stay because night (the darkness) only lasts so long, the sun always rises again, good things will happen again.
';In your whole life you will only ever be able to count your true friends on one hand.';

That is so right, I've lost a lot of so called friends this last year, but I'm left with the ones who really matter.

There's only four of them.
best advice i was ever told, was the one person you can always depend on is yourself! and its true cos everyone ive been friends with, trusted, boyfriends, family - have all let me down, and some are continuing to do so.
life is just like a mirage....AN ILLUSION TO TRUST!!

as much u want to get close to will just give u nothing...just endless hopes and boundless dreams..

so maintain some distance from ur life...coz it can stab u anytime...nd it can make u happy anytime..

so be prepared for every situation..dont rely on ur fate nd time..

its u who can change evrything!!
How to be able to write , the teacher told me to leave spaces and allthe advice was pretty good and in no time i learnt how to write :D:D:D YAYAYAY!! you just made me remember lol my theory is funny
Try to optimise the amount of fun you have, every single day. Never be too sensible; remember that being 'good' is overrated.
Treat others as you expect to be treated yourself...

Learn to love yourself before you expect others to love you.
Live each day as if it was your last and love all hate no one
try you're best at everything, and greet everyone with a smile.
Charles stole mine so im gunna say dont jump in front of moving busses!!!
Prove your smarter than the machine.
Never drink two Pangalacticgargleblasters
We are all like the moon , have one dark side
keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Be true to yourself.
Never give up, never stop trying
dont die on me

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