Sunday, August 22, 2010

Best advice for happy marriage?

What was the best piece of advice you received when you became engaged and then after you were married?Best advice for happy marriage?
Totally open and honest communication.

In the event that he's in the mood and you are not let him down easy. It really hurts us to get rejected, even more when we feel we are being treated rudely.

Never take him for granted. Remember he gave up every woman in the world to be with you treat him with the respect he deserves. Also don't forget you gave up every other man in the world for him so don't take too much crap.

When all else fails make love.Best advice for happy marriage?
You have to communicate. dont nag, just wait till you are having a good moment then say ';baby, i just want to tell you that....................................鈥? there is only one true way for you to let him know how you feel and what you think and

Talk to each other dont lie to one another and dont go to bed mad at each other never ever hide things frome one another
**** day and night
Laugh together at all times............................
In order for a happy marriage you must become the best of friends first, to be able to be open and talk to each other about problems, etc. Honesty and loyalty is the main two things for a marriage, or any relationship for that matter.
i never really got any, other than my now sister in law %26amp; some of her cousins warned me not to marry my husband because all of the men in their family are crazy (personally, i think that the women are crazier than the men, if not equally crazy) ... well, i married him anyway. :)

my father told my husband before we were married to end every conversation w/ ';yes dear.'; he still does that ... I hate it! cause i know exactly what it means. it's kinda funny, but ARGH!
Not to allow your family to inter-fare in your marriage. decisions should only be discussed and made by the husband and wife. learn to listen and communicate with each other. Leave no room for outside interference.
keep it alive in the bedroom
1. don't sweat the small stuff

2. don't go to bed angry

3. always look at things from every perspective

4. love your spouse more than you do yourself

(PATIENTS if you're a doctor, PATIENCE if your married) :)
Listen more than you talk, Make time to just sit together, Take each other's side, Be each other's best friend, Remember what it is that you love about the other and tell them often, Say I Love You nothing takes the place of saying and hearing the actual words, When you say it, mean it. Remember: Nothing you will ever fight over will mean one single thing should the other one suddenly die. Forget about being right, it is all about being together. Got a problem, speak on it right away, problems left to linger in the dark tend to fester and infect the entire marriage to the point where it can actually die. Nip it in the bud by talking it out. No one can read your mind so talk, don't sulk. Hold Hands Whenever You Can.
understand and accept each other's differences. do not forget to communicate w/ your better half so that you will be able to know what to do to keep the sacred may also need to spend time alone w/ yourself to make him/her miss you and think of you....whatever happens, just hold on. We chose to be married and made a vow..We have to fulfill it.It's not a game that we can easily stop whenever we want to.You have a big responsibility to face and you just can't drop it off like a hot potato. If you have problems, talk things over,communicate..but of course,we also have to leave something for ourselves...
Talk, Talk, Talk! Love Love Love! Too bad I didn't get that advice when I needed it.
Ha ha from my nan she said ';Respect your husband and love him for all his faults, cos they'll be many';.

To this day I still heed her advice, even when angry.
#1 Admit when your wrong

#2 If she's wrong, refer back to rule number one.

#3 Never stop communicating, it is the most important part of your relationship.
keep a budget!!!!
Dont take each other for granted, communicate, respect, dont listen to other peoples opinions on YOUR marriage.
Good head in the morning!!!
the best advice is always communicate with one another eeally get to know the person you want to spent the rest of your life with and be true to yourself and wedding wovs love honor cherish and very important respect one another good luck
both of you can't be the has to stay sane....
Always remember the amount of trust it took to commit to the marriage (engagement) in the first place. Continuing that level of trust throughout your lives is one of the most important factors in having a happy, lifelong marriage. There was a reason you trusted him that greatly in the first place right? Why should that ever change?

Really, if you think about it; trust really is one of the most important components of a relationship. It is essential to the other aspects of the relationship. Open communication and intimacy rely on trust. I wish I would have taken that advice a little more seriously when it was given to me.
To treat marriage like a never ending job, that you have to work on it everyday. And to NEVER take your spouse for granted. Letting them know every day that you love them is also a great thing.
im not married..but i saw n heard advices....may u couple live together happily ever after..all the best wishes..cheers-SH
My mother-in-law gave it to me...she told me to pick my battles. It's so easy to get into some of the most ridiculous arguements when you first start your life seems like at times just everything the other person does is just so irritating..but if I didn't think about what she told me we would fight so much more. Only argue when it's something that REALLY MATTERS, not over who drank the last of the milk.
a couple of things..

'; A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person';

and.. for every negative thing you say, there should be 5 positives.. little compliments to let each other know you love each other..

and the biggest one i live by is... Never intentionally say something that you know you will have to apologize for..

so far.. they've worked for us!!
It will be good will be bad together, just remember to laugh and cry together if you want to forever stay together.
let the same stuff go
This can either be the beginning or the end...make your choice and stick to it.
My mother told me never to tell her about fights between me and my husband, unless I needed her help, because in her words...';You might forgive him later, but I won't.'; :)

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