Sunday, August 22, 2010


Do you really think you need to wait for the baby to be born to pick out a name? Because if the baby is born and the name that have chosen doesnt suit them what are u to do? Help!!!BEST ADVICE ON NAMING A BABY?
No, you don't have to wait and actually shouldn't wait. That process can take a long time and is important and should be started as soon as possible.

Your baby will look like one of the parents or a combination of the two. The personality will also most likely mimic one of the parents. Try to see what would fit you both along with flowing properly with the middle and last name. Be thoughtful and don't name your daughter Serenity if you both had horns as a child. : ) *joke*

Pick a whole bunch of name you like that go well with the last name, even as much as 50. Go through and put a star beside the ones that have a great meaning to you or to your family. Then match them up for firsts and middles. You can be more adventurous with the middles because most people will know them except on legal papers.

I wouldn't go looking into the family list for a name because it looks to me like people couldn't think of a name and say, ';Why not name him after Uncle Mark or Grandma Margret?';

Have a few that you like and not too similar to each other and pick when you see your baby's face.

I pick out names before my daughter was born and the we she arrived i looked over the names again and picked. But also what i did i picked names she can grow up and carry proudly. Name your child a name that sounds like they can carry it as a C.E.O or name that says I'm in power. I believe a person name says alot so you don't want the ghetto name like Shaneiqua or the trashy name Brittany. Here are 2 names you can't go wrong with: Elliott Conner for a boy and Katelyn Marie for a girl. CONGRATULATIONS MOMMA.
This is what we did...

We had names chosen for the baby before we had them not knowing what we were having. But for all 4 it took seeing them to pickthat name! I couldn't imagine having the name picked out and set in stone like some do before the baby was born just for that reason what if it doesnt suit them!!

With our first daughter her name ended up being something we hadn't even thought of but suited her so much better then ones we had chosen!

Good Luck!
You don't need to wait, just have a bunch of different names to chose from so that way if it doesn't look like one name will work, try another. Have a list all ready for the little one so that way you don't have to make any huge decisions after the baby is born.
I honestly thought I was the only one who thought this. My husband and I picked the name Taylor Marie when I was pregnant, but after she was born I actually worried that maybe she wouldn't grow up to look like a Taylor, and that the name wouldn't fit her. Now shes 2 the name seems to go fine.
Yell it out loud a few times.

Up the stairs, out the back door..

If it rolls off the tongue, and you like it, you'll know.

If when the baby is born he doesn't match his name,

think about it awhile.

Look into his eyes.

It will come to you.

Best Advice: Don't panic.
No, you don't need to wait. But definitely leave yourself some flexibility. Once the baby's born and you see his/her sweet face, the ';right'; name may just come to you - and it may not be the name you've been planning on!
when babies are born they're bald and little, you have no idea what they're gonna grow up to look like, you'll raise them with the name and they'll look like it.
i think that the name grows on a baby. because to ME all babies pretty much look alike. lol, i dono about you..

but seriously look at everyone you know.. and try to picture them with a diff name... impossible :)
You could try to name it after someone you respect or in history or someone else in your family.
no you dont need to wait for the baby to be born to pick out a name
there are 4 main ways of picking a baby name....find which is best for u!

1) picking a family name or naming it after someone special

2) picking a name strictly on the ';cuteness'; of the name

3) waiting until the baby is born and then deciding what name it ';looks like';

4) picking a name based on the meaning or origin of the name

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