Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Seriously, what is the best advice you can give a recently divorced person to be cheerful about the future?

If they're feeling really down on their luck ....Seriously, what is the best advice you can give a recently divorced person to be cheerful about the future?
I would say that they needed to think about what they still have, and what they WILL have, and how things are happening for a reason. Tell your friend that one day he will look back and feel no pain.Seriously, what is the best advice you can give a recently divorced person to be cheerful about the future?
Things could be a lot worse the ***** could come back.
Go out with some friends get really drunk and really laid!!
From someone that's been there. Just be grateful that you don't have to put up with all of the anger and attiudes that go along with it. And that you can find someone that appreicates you for who you REALLY are.

Good Luck my Friend!
Dont chase replace
you cant really tell them anything... but just be there for them and if they need help... help them... and talk to them... take them out shopping or something else... my friend got divorced and i talked to her and now shes fine
Yesterday was as bad as it gets, the furture will be as good as it gets. (my fav movie, As Good As It Gets)
No second guesses. Follow your instincts.
Think of it this way - every sencond marriage ends with divorce these you had 50% chances to begin with and you shouldn't feel THAT down about it. We all make bad choices or don't do enough to mend our relationships. Besides there's another percentage issue - it wasn't all up to you - again 50% of responsibility is on the other person.

THere is always hope, hope never dies. You could find someone who's been hurt/had a bad experience just like you, God knows there are many, and try to share the healing process with that person.

And again, never give up and never blame yourself a 100% - it's just not realistic!

Here's some links, I hope at least one is helpful
You know, some people think divorce is the worst thing in the world for the entire family. My parents divorced when I was 5, and my sister was 7. Neither one of us really gave a damn, not because of our ages, but because our parents absolutely hated eachother, and what kind of envoirnment is that to grow up in?

My point is divorce is honestly over-rated to be the next individualized Holocaust or something, when really, you should be looking at it as freedom. Congratulations, you are your own person again! No more answering to someone else's every whim!

My advice to you is this. Do I think you should be finding another relationship right away? No way, give it a couple of months. Find out what it REALLY means to be single in a POSITIVE light. Think of all of the money you're saving in the end, how much free time you have for your friends, how much more you can get done around the house, etc. That's a good way to balance out who you are, and get comfortable with that for the next time around when you DO decide to venture out for love. It probably will make the relationship stronger due to the confidence you grew in the end.

Good luck. =)
Go get some, man.
This is just from my heart so I know this will cause many to roll their eyes. I think that God has a plan for everyone and this happened for a reason. Maybe you'll be better prepared for your next relationship (which may or not be a marriage). Just use this experience to build you into a stronger %26amp; better person. Have no regrets, do not live in the past %26amp; look to the future. You are never alone.

And look at how many people have come here to give you fairly sound advice, hopefully you have that many friends in real life that will stand by your side.
Don't worry you'll find happiness again!!! It is better being divorced than to be fighting and unhappy all the time.
You are using this season to grow stronger in life, as a person. This will not only empower you, and make you feel better, but will make you more attractive to all...

Soon - and I say BEFORE you want it - you will be having to turn down interested parties, for potential dates... until that time when you feel it is right.

Good luck!
how can cheer? Let the time heal the pain
things can't get any worse

Well, now. You can keep your kitchenette

sparkling clean, now. Make sure the lint

count is low in the living room. All the

pictures perfectly adjusted in the hall

and the bedroom. Organized sock drawer,

bathroom like a ';clean room';, where

scientists do studies and experiments

in a totally germ-free, particle-free environment.

Clothes iin closet all arranged by style

and color.


Leave empty drink cans everywhere, stained

unattended on the range and in the

microwave, dirty clothes in the hallway, the living room, and

the clean clothes all over your bed. Magazines

and CD's all in disarray. Trash cans filled

to capacity.

Meaning? It's YOURS now, all YOURS,

and you might like it alot.

First off, you got out of a situation that wasn't happy (for one or both of you but it doesn't matter which one it was). You have your whole life ahead of you. You should look at it as your ';luck'; is up, not down. You were in a routine and as comfortable as it may have seemed, it wasn't working. Hey, you are not alone. If it doesn't work, go on with your life. Consider a trip with friends to the mountains or a beach. Go to a park and play Frisbee with your dog. Go bowling (sounds boring but it is fun!) with a friend. See a movie with a friend. You get the idea. You only live once. Do something to go forward. You'll get over it!
Try to think about somthing happy or go out and do somthing fun
hit the bars kid
take a ';me'; vacation!

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